Sunday 20 January 2013

2013 General Luck for those born in the year of Rabbit

(1939,1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999, 2011)

If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Tiger, not Rabbit

Luck : Overall luck remains below average, you are heading towards a better 2014. This year have to be careful in everything you do, being reckless will land you in trouble. Be humble and think twice before acting. 

Wealth : Careful planning is required to ensure stable finance, avoid taking others’ face value. Investment in fixed assets such as properties is recommended.  
Romance : True love is hard to come by, you should cherish one another and do your best to mend your relationship. For married couples, do consider taking vacation together to revisit places of sentiments during special occasions. 
Health : Try to communicate with family and friends to relieve stress. Pay more attention to urinary system. Meditation, exercise, sleep early and maintain a balanced diet can enhance your health. 

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