Monday 28 January 2013

Flying Star Feng Shui 2013 Water Snake Year

Every year there are 9 different star that will fly into different sectors of your house. Each star has its own characteristics , some are GOOD lucky stars and some are BAD unlucky stars. Normally we take care of the living room itself as a big Sector to handle the bad unlucky stars. However if you stay in other's house or your family don't believe in this, you can use your own bedroom as the placement of items.
This year the Auspicious Sector is South, North, North-West and  North-East of the House or bedroom or living room where the Good Lucky Stars are 9,1,8,6. While the Inauspicious Sector is South West,  EastWest and Center where the Bad unlucky stars are 2,3,7,5
In 2013 water snake year, the stars have returned to their original palace which means the energy are doubled. As such, it is important to take care of the unlucky stars before we enhance the lucky stars.
How to Find Out?
You can use living room, whole house or bedroom for flying star. Put a compass at the center of your house and divide your house into 9 sector. From here you divide the room into 9 sector as similar to the above Chart shown.

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