Monday 6 June 2011

Yin Fire - 丁 火

dingfire 丁:草木成長壯實,好比人的成丁。 

Dīng : represents the image of the grassland or vegetation growing, strengthening and fully maturing.  It can be likened to the development and maturation process of human beings.
Yin Fire people are born leaders. They take pride in showing people the way. They are generally gentle, philosophical and loving. Meticulous and learned, with hidden depths of surprising power. Illuminate the path for themselves and for others. They tend to be focused rather like a laser beam of light, penetrating and targeted.
Yin Fire people are mild, conservative, courteous and passionate. The personality of this kind of people is not strong. Fire which is neither hot nor fiery, they often do not let others know of their directions or movements, and this would not stir up people’s attention. Yin Fire people are meticulous, detail-oriented and sentimental, they are great motivators.  
However just like the situation where a fire requiring various conditions to reach the burning-point, this does not imply that Yin Fire people are negative or lack self-confidence. They will hide their thinking or feelings in their heart, waiting diligently and attentively for the right opportunity to come knocking. Most of the time, others will not know what they are thinking.
Usually, their contemplation is profound, behavior is careful and cautious. There are very few cases where actions are carried out due to impulse. Their thinking is like a careful vanguard, plan every matter to completion. This is like the nature of a small fire, from ignition and burn anything till ashes. 
Their endurance and tolerance levels are very high, which is totally opposite of Bing people. So, in order to get along with Yin Fire people, one must be patient and sensitive, and cannot be too frank.
Hence Yin Fire people will tend to be very close to those whom they know very well. They dedicate their hearts, even to the extent of sacrificing themselves. Like a fire burning slowly, sacrificing oneself to bring warmth to those near them.
As they are always thoughtful of the feelings of those people who are dear to them, they will not tend to tell the truth, they also find hard to reject them even though they are aware that they themselves may lose out in certain circumstances.
Shortcomings are that before reaching the ‘burning-point’, they would not display their innate qualities or feelings. This may cause others to mistakenly think that they are indecisive and sitting on the fence. As Yin Fire people like to consider every matter in details over and over again, they can develop a suspicious frame of mind very easily and hence they must not over-estimate themselves.
Sometimes, they are fickle minded but they have a tremendous ability to rise to great occasions.  The downside is sometimes they are easily de-motivated.

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