Tuesday 14 June 2011

Yang Earth (戊)

wuearth 戊:茂盛也,象征大地草木茂盛繁榮。

Wù represents the image of vegetation becoming lush and exuberant.  It symbolizes the great land formations, the meadows and the forests, that which is lush and booming.
Earth is one element that there is no shortage of, as the whole world comprise of earth energy. Yang Earth hides many resources, and in fact it hides so many things that one can get quite overwhelmed. 
Yang Earth people indicates earth on the move - think of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. Earth in its natural state does not move, it stays silent and still most of time but when it moves, it creates massive repercussions. Think of a mountain moving!
Yang Earth people are like the great earth or stone rock, trustworthy and optimistic, open-minded and steady, carefree, strict and honest and simply dressed. Though innate quality is like stone, their stability deserves one’s appreciation. They do not speak much nor do they take much action but when they do, they cause a rumble.  
Yang earth people will always make sure that the foundation is strengthened before spending time slowly and putting in effort, feelings or commitment. This is like the earth or rock which will not occurred change suddenly, but will endure changes over the years slowly. With such nature, they may miss opportunities sometimes. However, they will not regret, as long as they are happy with what they have currently. Once decided on one thing, nothing can change their mind. 
In other words, Yang Earth people can be stubborn at times. However because of this nature, this characteristic enables them to implement faith unto others.
Yang earth people are usually amiable, appreciates and treasures relationships, and because of this, others will tend to seek consultation from them. However, they will not reject those who come to them, and will not go after those who reject them, they will not promote themselves to others.
Yang earth people are the most convert people in the universe, but surprisingly they are also amongst the most trustworthy.

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