Saturday, 18 May 2013

Our Mental White and Black dog

After much discussion among his students, the Zen master revealed, "The dog that wins is the dog that I feed most."
The parable of the two dogs is essentially a depiction of the two types of thoughts that dominate our minds.
The white dog reflects positive empowering thoughts while the black dog reflects the negative disempowering thoughts.
Everyday, these thoughts struggle to dominate your attention. For most people, the negative thoughts always seem louder. Eventually, these negative thoughts hold more power over them. Their thoughts create their reality, and they find themselves living in a reality that is often bleak and in inspiring.
However, if they want a reality that is far more optimistic, positive and inspiring, they -like you - must start feeding their white dogs. They need to nourish their mind with the positive empowering thoughts more than anything else.
You shall choose and decide which dog shall eventually wins the fight. Create awareness and take the first step to positive changes in your life.

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