Monday 8 August 2011

Yin Metal (辛)

xingjin 辛:金味辛,物成而后有味,辛者,新也,萬物肅然更改,秀實新成。 

Yin Metal represents the metallic flavor which is coarse and pungent. Things ripen and then they are endowed with flavor. Yin Metal is the resulting thing which is different.  The Ten Thousand Things change in amazing ways, and when they refine and ripen themselves, they end up being something different from what they were initially.
We can associated Yin Metal people with precious gold; ie metal which has been worked on and changed into objects of value. They tend to be elegant and charming but they tend to place great importance on material possessions. As such, they can exhibit a rather greedy and acquisitive disposition. 
Yin Metal people have very strong self respect.They love new things, indulge in vanity, and hence can spend unwisely most of the time. They have very fine feelings, and have unique opinions. They are very sharp and quick in thinking, have fine morals and are very attractive, attracting attention wherever they go. They are very sociable and can get into or maintain good friendships., however, they will be able to differentiate good and bad distinctly.
Yin Metal people mind very much about their exterior looks to make sure they look presentable at all times. They likes to ensure the best of circumstances and situations. They are seldom unbending but are less able to cope when obstacles materialize in their life.

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