Tuesday 10 May 2011

Yin wood - 乙木

Yi : represents the image of the new grown grassland, or meadow or vegetation; and it is able to grow branches and leaves that are soft, pliable and sinuous.
Yin Wood people are quite the opposite of Jia Wood people. Yin Wood is wood of a lesser robust quality. It is smaller, less vigorous and less imposing. It’s growth is even slower and its character is milder, gentler and a great deal more tactful reflecting its female aspect.
Its upward growth is meandering and curving, finding ways round obstacles and yielding to them rather than fighting directly. They will tend to avoid trouble by ducking out of the way or slinking away until the trouble dies down. Like twines that eventually reach the sunlight at the top of the forest canopy.
Yin Wood people may appear fragile but by going with the flow of the wind they are in reality rather hardy. Think of the blade of grass and the mighty oak tree in the face of a storm. The grass blade is unaffected while the oak tree can get uprooted.
Yin Wood people always find their way in life. They have a survivalist nature and are generally not ruthless and their ability to adapt to changes quickly is always a strong point in their favor. One of their defining characteristics is their flexibility and adaptability.
Yin Wood people tend to have a timid personality and very dependent on others. Though they may be creative, things or events may not happen as they wished. Hence these problems may cause them to be distressed and lose self-confidence.
Besides, they are likely to go against their own feelings and thoughts to follows others, swayed by temptations and may be deceived or mislead by others easily.
However, Yin Wood people also tend to be like grass in the wind - they are fickle and rarely commit one way or another. They change their minds quickly and can be difficult to keep up with because they refuse to stick to one course of action.

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