Friday 1 April 2011

The 3 Cycles of 5 Elements

There are 3 cycles that exist between these five elements:
image 1) Productive Cycle : The burning Wood produces Fire, and the Fire further produces Earth (soil or ashes in this particular case). Deep in the Earth Metal (in the form of ore) is created over years, and Water condenses on the Metal surface. And finally, we all know that while watering plants the Water produces the Wood. The expression“Wood produces Fire” is actually describing an energy transformation. 
image 2) Destructive Cycle : The Water puts out the Fire, the Fire forges the Metal and the Metal cuts the Wood. The Wood airs the Earth (soil) with its roots, and the Earth in the form of soil retains the Water.
five elements exhaustive cycle3) Exhaustive Cycle : The Wood absorbs Water into its roots to allow it to grow. The Water corrodes the Metal, turning it to rust. The Metal weakens the Earth by using the earth’s energy to sustain an environment to allow it to form. The Earth reduces the Fire, and the Fire reduces the Wood by burning it to ashes.
The 5 elements are symbolic for the different phases, or primal forces within the universe, nature, and our bodies. Knowing which element(s) predominates our personalities can help further insight into our lives and relationships.
It is of uttermost importance to understand that the five elements always strive to attain balance, and it is through the five elements that the Yin and Yang balance is achieved.

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